General Liability Insurance


The Right Commercial Liability Protection for You and Your Customers


If someone falls while visiting your business, or if a customer is hurt by a product you sell, you can be held responsible. That’s the risk business liability insurance covers.


In a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), 30 percent of small business owners ranked the cost and availability of liability insurance as their second most important insurance concern. (Health insurance ranked first; workers’ compensation ranked third.)


Liability insurance, also called commercial general liability (CGL), covers four categories of events for which you could be held responsible:

CGL coverage pays for the injured party’s medical expenses. Coverage excludes employees as they should be protected by workers’ compensation insurance. Bear in mind even trespassers can sue if they are hurt on your business premises.


CGL insurance typically covers three types of legal damages for which you may be sued:

Standard CGL insurance does not protect your business against the following:

Other types of business liability insurance covers more specialized needs:

Premiums for business liability coverage depend on the type of product or service provided and the perceived level of risk.


General Liability Insurance Tips and Considerations